Author Guidelines

Manuscript Submission
Manuscript for publication in Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia  can be in form of research results, review or concise discussion in proper Bahasa Indonesia or English. Manuscript have never been published in another journal or magazines and should in appropriate format

The manuscript submission must be included with official cover letter by corresponding author, contains clear name of correspondent author, complete address, telephone and fax numbers, and email and cellular telephone address (if there is). Correspondent author is responsible for the script content and its shipment legality. The manuscript also should be known and agreed by all authors with written statement.

Before prepare and submit article manuscripts, please note that author(s) are discouraged from withdrawing submitted papers after it is in the publication process (review, copyedit, layout, etc.,). During the time, Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia  had spent valuable resources besides time spent in the process.

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Manuscript is be typewritten in single line spacing on A4 sized HVS paper with font type Times New Roman, 11 point, and margin two centimeters. Figure and table are placed at the end of manuscript. Figure and table from previous publication can be listed if got approval by the author. Article length’s maximum is 15 pages.

Every page is numbered sequentially, included figure and table pages. The arrangement of manuscript is made as follows:

  • Title. At title page is written title (14-20 words) in Bahasa Indonesia or according to the text of the manuscript, clear name every author(s), authors’ affiliation name and address, and footnote contains corresponding author, included corresponding author’s telephone number (and cellular telephone number, if there is), fax number and email address.
  • Abstract and Key Words. Abstract and key words are written in English. Abstract contains summary of the entire manuscript without having to give detailed description of every chapter, with maximum 200 words. Abstract should avoid using abbreviations. Key words minimum are 3 words, that representing its title and manuscript content. Key words are written in order from the specific to the general.
  • Introduction. Introduction must explain the background and research objectives, so reader could understand and evaluate research results without need to read previous publications that related to. Therefore, references that citated should be proofed.
  • Material and Methods. This chapter must contain sufficient method information so other researcher could succeeded experiment with methods are mentioned. If conditions are needed, for example centrifugation, information of device, rotor type, temperature, time at maximum speed, and the speed of centrifugation (in x g). For material and methods that are common, for example medium and determination of proteins, could mention it’s references. If there are alternative methods that are commonly used, also should be mentioned in brief specifics of the chosen method. If new methods are used, it should be explained completely. As well as microbes that are not commonly used. If using multiple strains or mutants, is presented in form of a table with information (name, code, no. collection, resources, and physiology or genetical characteristics) of every strain, mutant, bacteriophage, or plasmid. A method and strain that used only once in reported experiment can be explained in brief at chapter Results and Discussion or at footnotes of table or figure legend.
  • Results and Discussion. This chapter contain only research results, in form of article, table or figure. Excessive use of graphics should be avoided if they can be presented in the form of a short body of writing. Figure is only used for representing valid results of research. Figure and table should be numbered sequentially and cited in the body of the article. Figure in form of graphic can be made by computer that the results is printed with laser or inkjet printer (not a scan). Graphic description is written separated from the graphic picture to ease the settings.

Discussion contains interpretation and comprehensive analysis from research results that obtained and linked to reported results. Repetition of the presentation of research methods and results as well as things that have been disclosed in the Introduction Chapter should be avoided.

  • Conclusion. This chapter contains matters related to the hypothesis and research objectives.
  • Acknowledgements. This chapter could be added if needed, used for mentioning sources of research funds whose results are reported in this journal and give awards to several institutions or people who help carry out research and/or write reports.
  • References. Most of the references should be cited from primary sources. References that related to methodology, technology and other technical problem are published in last 10 years. The arrangement of references is written according to the order of appearance number in the text. If the author less than 6, then all authors’ name included. But, if the authors more than 6, the first six authors’ name included and further written et al. Some examples of writing a list of references:
  1. Magazines or Journal
    Cheeptham N, Phay N, Higashiyama T, Fukushi E, Matsuura, Mikawa T, et al. Studies on an antifungi antibiotic from Ellisiodothis inguinansL1588-A8. Thai J Biotechnol. 1991.1(1):37-45.
  2. Books
    Torssell KGB. Natural Product chemistry a mechanistic and biosynthetic approach to secondary metabolism. New York: John Wiley & Sons Limited; 1983. p. 26-57.
    Skoog DA. Principles of instrumental analysis. 3rd ed. New York: Saunders College Publlishing; 1985. p. 234-5.
  3. Chapter in book
    Suff ness M and Pezzuto JM. Assay related to cancer drug discovey. In: Dey PM and Harborne JB, editors. Methods in plant biochemistry. London: Academic Press; 1991. p. 71-133.
  4. Abstract
    Choudhary R. Role of phytohormones on the cultivar and essential oil of Ocimum canum Sims, a potential source of citral [abstract]. Indian parfum 1989;33:224-7 (Chem Abstr 1991:114, 37669y).
  5. Prosiding
    Sumatra M. Bioassai in vitro dengan sel leukemia L 1210, sebuah metode skrining zat antitumor dari bahan alam. Prosiding Seminar Bioteknologi Kelautan Indonesia 1, Jakarta 14-15 Oktober,1998:183-88.
  6. Essay/Thesis/Dissertation
    Cairns RB. Infrared spectroscopic studies of solid oxygen [dissertation]. Barkeley: University of California; 1965. p.156.
    Sofiah S. Formulasi dan teknologi tablet nitrofurantoin serta evaluasi mutu dan ketersediaan hayatinya [tesis]. Bandung: Jurusan Farmasi Institut Teknologi Bandung; 1996. hal. 60-7.
  7. Magazines from Internet
    Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infections disease. Emerg Infect Dis[serial online]. 1995 Jan-Mar;1(1): [24 tayangan] cited: URL:http://www/cdc/gov/ncidoc/EID/eid.htm. Accessed at 25 Desember, 1999.
    LaPorte RE, Marler E, Akazawa S, Sauer F. The death of biomedical journals. BMJ [serial online]. 1995;310:1387-90. Cited: Accessed at 26 Juli, 1996.
  8. Web site
    Hoff man DL. St John’s Wort. 1995;[4 tayangan]. diambil dari: URL: man/materiamedica/stjohns.htm. Accessed at 16 Juli, 1998. Health on the net foundation. Health on the net foundation code of conduct (HONcode) for medical and health websites. Cited: diakses 30 Juni, 1998.


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