Development of Analytical Method of Amoxycillin Which is Selective and Not Interferred by Its Degradation Products



Assay of amoxycillin level in suspension form using spectrophotometry method at maximum wavelength around 291 nm is predicted to provide accurate and selective result because it is not interferred with its degradation products. This research aimed to obtain the predicted result. This research employed laboratory experimental method which included the process of measuring of maximum wavelength and operating time measurement, making of standard curve by measuring absorbance of amoxycillin standard solution at 40, 50, 80, 100 and 120 ppm at 290 nm and testing the selectivity and accuracy. Selectivity test was done by comparing UV spectrum and maximum absorbance of 1 mg/mL amoxycillin standard solution and 125 mg/5 mL amoxycillin suspension immediately after reconstitution with the one that was stored 9 days. Accuracy test was conducted by standard addition method using 1 mL amoxycillin suspension that was stored 9 days added by 1 mL 6260 ppm amoxycillin standard solution. Assay of amoxycillin on amoxycillin suspension by UV spectrophotometry at 290 nm using NaOH 0,1 N as solvent gave selective and accurate result with 97,36% recovery and it is not interfered with by its degradation product.


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How to Cite
REHANA, REHANA; NUGROHO, HANIF HAFIIDH SETYO; UTAMI, VITIS VINI FERA RATNA. Development of Analytical Method of Amoxycillin Which is Selective and Not Interferred by Its Degradation Products. JURNAL ILMU KEFARMASIAN INDONESIA, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 2, p. 170-175, sep. 2014. ISSN 2614-6495. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 31 mar. 2025.