The Potency of Ethanolic Extract of Bilimbi (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) Fruits as a Natural Diuretic
Diuretics use as first treatment in hypertension and heart failure. Empirically, community use belimbi as diuretic. Preliminary study to explore the potency of bilimbi ethanolic extract as a natural diuretic was conducted using ninety male mice which divided into 6 groups. Each group consist of three sub-group of 5 mice respectively for three replications. Group 1 was given orally saline solution of tween 80, Group 2 was given orally urea solution 500 mg/kg BW, Group 3 was given orally furosemide 3 mg/kg BW, Group 4 was given orally extract of bilimbi 2.5 g/kg BW, Group 5 was given orally extract of bilimbi 5 g/kg BW, and Group 6 was given orally aquadest. The diuretic activity was determined by measuring cumulative urine volume every 1 hour during 5 hours post administration. The result showed that 2.5 g/kg BW had a strong diuretics activity 2 hours post administration and reached its maximum activity 3 hours post administration. At the peak of diuretic activity, extract of bilimbi 2.5 g/kg BW increased diuretic effect by 219% as compared to the aquadest and 41,5% as compared to the furosemide. It is concluded that extract of bilimbi has a potency as a natural diuretic.
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