Peel Off Formulation of Peel Off Mask Ekstract Etanol Noni Fruit (Morinda citrifolia L.) and Activity as Anti Inflamatory

Peel Off Mask extract ethanol of Noni Fruit

  • Miratun Syarifah Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Nining Sugihartini Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Laela Hayu Nurani Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


Infl ammation of the skin often occurs in acne-prone skin. Acne can be prevented in various
ways, one of them by maintaining clean skin. Noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia L.) with the active ingredient
of scopoletin has been proven to be eff ective as an anti-infl ammatory. Noni is dried into simplicia,
extracted was ethanol 96% solvent until it becomes concentrated extract. The extract is formulated into
a peel off mask with a concentration variation of 5%, 10 and 15%. The masks produced is evaluated for
physical characteristic of pH, viscosity, spreadability, and adhesivity test), as well as anti-infl ammatory
properties using mice with the parameters of COX-2 expression and irritation test using rabbit. The
evaluation results of the physical characteristic of the peel off mask fulfi lled the physical characteristic
requirements of the peel off mask preparation. Whereas in the viscosity test there were groups that
met the viscosity requirements, namely the formula I and II groups and the group that did not meet the
viscosity requirements, namely the formula III group. Anti-infl ammatory test in mice showed that the
mask lead to reduction in the amount of COX-2 expression. The best formula in 3 preparations was
indicated in formula I with COX-2 expression value of 22.635%. The results of irritation test on rabbits
did not cause irritation. According to the test results it can be concluded that the optimum value of the
ethanol extract concentration is shown in formula I with a concentration of 5%.


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How to Cite
SYARIFAH, Miratun; SUGIHARTINI, Nining; NURANI, Laela Hayu. Peel Off Formulation of Peel Off Mask Ekstract Etanol Noni Fruit (Morinda citrifolia L.) and Activity as Anti Inflamatory. JURNAL ILMU KEFARMASIAN INDONESIA, [S.l.], v. 17, n. 2, p. 175-182, oct. 2019. ISSN 2614-6495. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 dec. 2024. doi: