Isolation and Identification of Phenolic Compounds from Macaranga hispida Blume Mull.Arg Leaves

  • Megawati Megawati Research Center for Chemistry, Indonesian Institute of Sciences(LIPI), Serpong
  • Sofa Fajriah Research Center for Chemistry, Indonesian Institute of Sciences(LIPI), Serpong
  • Galuh Widyawati Research Center for Chemistry, Indonesian Institute of Sciences(LIPI), Serpong
  • Akhmad Darmawan Research Center for Chemistry, Indonesian Institute of Sciences(LIPI), Serpong


Continuation of research on Macaranga plant has been conducted. In this study, the total
phenol content (TPC) of Macaranga hispida Blume Mull. Arg leaves extracts were investigated. Gallic
acid (1) and methyl gallate (2) have been isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction which highest phenolic
content (8.41 mg GAE/g). Serial techniques of chromatographic and spectroscopic methods, namely
extraction, fractionation, purifi cation, FTIR, LCMS, and FT-NMR were used to isolate and identify the
isolates. Cytotoxicity of compound 1 and 2 against P-388 cell line showed that compound 2 has higher
anticancer activity compared to compound 1 with IC50 value of 75.53 μg/mL.


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How to Cite
MEGAWATI, Megawati et al. Isolation and Identification of Phenolic Compounds from Macaranga hispida Blume Mull.Arg Leaves. JURNAL ILMU KEFARMASIAN INDONESIA, [S.l.], v. 18, n. 2, p. 198-201, oct. 2020. ISSN 2614-6495. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 31 mar. 2025. doi: