Preparation and Characterization of Mefenamic Acid Microcapsule using Sodium Alginate Polymer by Ionic Gelation Methods
Mefenamic acid belongs to a class of the non-steroidal anti-infl ammatory drugs that work as
an analgesic. Mefenamic acid is sensitive to the light and temperature, also has unpleasant odors and
tastes. Microencapsulation technology is a technique where the active substance is coated by a thin layer
so that the active substance is protected from environmental infl uences. The aim of this research was to
formulate and characterize mefenamic acid in the form of microcapsule using ionic gelation methods
with sodium alginate. Preparation was done by comparing the concentrations of sodium alginate
polymers namely, 1%, 2%, and 3%. Success parameters include the entrapment effi ciency, particle
shape, particle size distribution, and dissolution. The results on the entrapment effi ciency using UVVIS
spectrophotometer showed a concentration of 1% polymer has a high value of 94.02%, for particle
shapes using the optical microscope showed that three formulas were spherical with the smallest particle
size distribution was 1266 μm. The dissolution test by type II dissolution test showed that the higher
the concentration of polymer used, the slower the drug release. This research provides an alternative
formulation of mefenamic acid microcapsule by using sodium alginate polymer.
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