Formulation of Sunflower Seeds Oil Cream (Helianthus annuus L.) with Variation of Cetyl Alcohol Concentration as Anti Acne of Sunflower Seeds Oil Cream (Helianthus annuus L.) as Anti Acne with Variation of Cetyl Alcohol Concentration
Acne is an inflammatory condition that was caused by Propionibacterium acnes. Sunfl ower
seeds (Helianthus annuus L.) with terpenoids and linoleic acid could prevent and treat acne. In the
previous study, sunfl ower seed oil had a Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) value for P. acnes
bacteria ≥1.5% with a Diameter Inhibitory Zone 15.27 mm which was classifi ed as a strong antibacterial
agent. This study was intended to develope cream formula (F1-F4) using variations of cetyl alcohol
concentrations of 8, 10, 12% and blanko respectively. The creams were formulated by heating the water
phase and the oil phase separately at 70˚C, then stirred to form the cream. The prepared formulations were
evaluated for organoleptic, homogeneity, type of cream, viscosity and rheology, spread ability, globule
size, centrifugation, and pH. The organoleptic results showed that the cream was white, odorless, soft
in texture and homogeneous with the type of oil in water (O/W) cream. The viscosity test showed that
the viscosity of F1-F3 formulas were 490.29; 3886.29; 22510.67 cP and F4 of 111.04 cP with plastic
thixotropic fl ow properties. Formula F1-F4 had a spread ability of 8.9; 5,4; 4,4; 7.3 cm2, the globule
sizes were 137.78; 133,33; 151.11; 94.44 μm, did not show phase separation during centrifugation and
the pH of the F1-F3 formula were 6.3 and F4 was 5.93. It may be concluded that the evaluation of the
physical and chemical quality of sunfl ower seed oil cream are within the acceptable standard.
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