Effectiveness of Meropenem-Levofloxacin with Meropenem-Amikasin Towards LOS & Leukocytes to RASPRO III Stratification Community Pneumonia Patients
Administration of antibiotics in the private hospital "X" adopted a concept called Ronald
Irwanto Antimicrobial Steweardship Program (RASPRO). The suggestion of an empirical antibiotic
combination in type III stratifi cation community pneumonia patients was meropenem-levofl oxacin
or meropenem-amikasin. The aim of the study was to determine the eff ect of empirical antibiotic
combination meropenem-levofl oxacin with meropenem-amikacin to RASPRO type III stratifi cation
community pneumonia patients towards the LOS and decreased leukocytes. The test sample calculated
using diff erence between two population proportions formula and analysed using Chi-square method.
Diabetes mellitus, immobilisation and geriatrics as confounding variables were controlled by logistic
regretion multivariate analysis. The results showed that meropenem-levofl oxacin had a tendency 1.81
times to experience LOS < 5 days and 0.92 times to experience decreased leukocytes ≥ 10% compared
to meropenem-amikacin, but both were not signifi cant (p 0.161 and p 0.835). The result control of
confounding variables were found that geriatrics as a meaningful confounding variable eff ect of LOS
and no confounding variables were considered to aff ect the decreased leukocytes. In conclusion, there
is no eff ect of empirical antibiotic combination meropenem-levofl oxacin with meropenem-amikacin
towards the LOS and decreased leukocytes to RASPRO type III stratifi cation community pneumonia
patients using statistics after controlling the confounding variables.
Jakarta: RS "X"; 2017.
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