Formulation of Gel Handsanitizer Atsiri Oil from Lemongrass (Cymbopogon nardus) with Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) as Gelling Agent
Gel handsanitizer wich is sell in the market today is mostly alcohol-based. Repeated use
as a handsanitizer can cause dryness and irritation skin. An option is, we can substitute an alcohol
into lemongrass oil (Cymbopogon nardus). There are three steps of the test, a preliminary test of oil
concentration, a test of the physical properties of the gel preparation and a modifi ed replication test.
Based on the preliminary test, citronella essential oil can kill Escherichia coli bacteria at a concentration
of 5% and reduce Staphylococus aureus at 10% of concentration. The test of spread for gel in the
physical test is between 5.5-6 cm with pH 7-9 and the adhesion is 1 second.The modifi ed replica test
showed a signifi cant decrease in the number of bacterial colonies at each concentration formula of
the three test groups. This signifi cance indicates the inhibition of bacteria caused by the use of hand
sanitizing gels. Based on the organoleptic test and antibacterial test of hand sanitizer gel a chosen
concentration is 10%. This concenrtration was liked by the public and could inhibit bacterial growth.
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